Obtaining an ASAN IMZA certificate during quarantine
First of all, let's give a brief information about ASAN IMZA certificate. Why do you need it, where and how is it used, how to get it ??
ASAN IMZA is used to verify your identity when accessing e-services and making digital signatures. "ASAN IMZA" technology allows citizens to use online mobile services of various public and private institutions and sign documents using a mobile phone as an electronic signature.
The following operations can be performed with an ASAN IMZA certificate:
Opening of new individuals and companies with legal entity status Submission of electronic tax returns,
preparation of e-factura (ER)
Making payments from VAT account
declaration of goods and means of transport at customs,
Electronic registration of notices on employment contracts,
important electronic services such as internet and mobile banking
Obtaining electronic permits during the quarantine period, etc.
Executed through "ASAN IMZA".
To get an ASAN IMZA certificate, you must first get a number that supports an easy signature certificate from any mobile operator. Then you need to get an easy signature certificate.
There are several ways to obtain an Easy Signature Certificate during Quarantine:
1. In Easy service centers with online queuing in Asan service (to take online queue you need to fill out a mini-survey https://asan.gov.az/az/online-queue)
2. Online queuing at the tax authority in the relevant tax authority (for online queuing https://www.e-taxes.gov.az/ebyn/novbe/ mini application is filled out)
3. by mail
You can contact us for additional service
[email protected]
(+99450) 235 35 99